VerzamelJaarbeurs 2023

Oblomov Art unfortunately not present at Voorjaarseditie VerzamelJaarbeurs 2023

The VerzamelJaarbeurs in Utrecht is a one-of-a-kind event that celebrates collectors and their collections. Held twice a year, the VerzamelJaarbeurs is an exhibition where collectors from all over the Netherlands and beyond come to display and sell their collections to fellow enthusiasts. The event is held at the Jaarbeurs Utrecht convention center, which is conveniently located near the central station.

Vintage toys, stamps, coins, and postcards to antique furniture, old books, and vintage clothing

The VerzamelJaarbeurs is a treasure trove of all kinds of collectibles. Visitors can expect to find anything from vintage toys, stamps, coins, and postcards to antique furniture, old books, and vintage clothing. The exhibition is open to collectors of all ages, and whether you are an experienced collector or just starting out, you are sure to find something that piques your interest.

Diversity of the collections

What makes the VerzamelJaarbeurs special is the diversity of the collections on display. Each collector brings something unique to the table, and the sheer variety of items on offer is staggering. Visitors can spend hours browsing through the stalls, admiring the collections on display and chatting with fellow collectors about their shared passion.

Great atmosphere

One of the great things about the VerzamelJaarbeurs is the opportunity it provides for collectors to connect with one another. The event is a chance for collectors to share their knowledge and expertise, as well as to make new friends and connections within the collector community. The atmosphere at the VerzamelJaarbeurs is friendly and welcoming, and visitors are encouraged to strike up conversations with the collectors they meet.

For those looking to add to their own collections, the VerzamelJaarbeurs is the perfect place to do so. The event is a fantastic opportunity to find rare and unique items that are not available elsewhere. With so many collections on display, visitors are sure to find something that they have been searching for, or perhaps even something they didn't know they wanted.

Oblomov Art at the VerzamelJaarbeurs 2022

Oblomov Art at the VerzamelJaarbeurs 2022

Oblomov Art at the VerzamelJaarbeurs?

Although we've had a blast last year Oblomov Art unfortunately will not be present at this year's exhibition (voor­jaar­s­e­di­tie 15 and 16 april 2023). Unforeseen circumstances have prevented our attendance this year. However, collectors and enthusiasts can look forward to our presence at future events. 

Tickets to the VerzamelJaarbeurs

Get your tickets tot the VerzamelJaarbeurs Voorjaarseditie (15 and 16 april, and 14 april for dealers) 2023 here:

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Oblomov Art


We love old posters and little items from forgotten times. Or think about a children's book from fifty or sixty years ago. It's fun to look at and to imagine what people were doing and thinking back then.

That's why: we see the beauty in every object and art is everywhere to be discovered.

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