Collection: Featured

We've made a selection of our inventory to show on the homepage. Those are also to be viewed in this little collection. Please enjoy our other collections as well.
  • A Soviet poster with a message that endures

    A Soviet poster with a message that endures

    In the late 1980s, as the Soviet Union teetered on the edge of transformation, this poster carried a message that speaks volumes even today. Let me tell you its story.

    A Soviet poster with a message that endures

    In the late 1980s, as the Soviet Union teetered on the edge of transformation, this poster carried a message that speaks volumes even today. Let me tell you its story.

  • Thank you for visiting us at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs

    Thank you for visiting us at the Verzamel Jaarb...

    Oblomov Art's presence at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs was nothing short of a visual feast for vintage enthusiasts. Our stand, with an array of genuine vintage posters, ceramics, small collectibles and furniture pieces created...

    Thank you for visiting us at the Verzamel Jaarb...

    Oblomov Art's presence at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs was nothing short of a visual feast for vintage enthusiasts. Our stand, with an array of genuine vintage posters, ceramics, small collectibles and furniture pieces created...

  • Oblomov Art will be at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs, Utrecht – The Netherlands, November 11+12

    Oblomov Art will be at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs, ...

    Yes yes yes! It's that time of the year again... The autumn edition of the Verzamel Jaarbeurs will be held on November 11+12 (sat + sun) 2023 in the Jaarbeurs,...

    Oblomov Art will be at the Verzamel Jaarbeurs, ...

    Yes yes yes! It's that time of the year again... The autumn edition of the Verzamel Jaarbeurs will be held on November 11+12 (sat + sun) 2023 in the Jaarbeurs,...

  • Antiques market, Dreef, Haarlem (The Netherlands)

    Antiques market, Dreef, Haarlem (The Netherlands)

    The Antiekmarkt op de Dreef begins operations in April, taking place on every second Saturday (from 09.00 in the morning) until October. This antique and vintage market is located in...

    Antiques market, Dreef, Haarlem (The Netherlands)

    The Antiekmarkt op de Dreef begins operations in April, taking place on every second Saturday (from 09.00 in the morning) until October. This antique and vintage market is located in...

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  • Condition guide


    We guarantee that every item sold through Oblomov Art is original. We have our own grading system for items in our inventory for your convenience.

    Condition guide 

    We'll send items from the Oblomov Art collection with PostNL, the number one parcel service in The Netherlands, delivering worldwide. Prices may vary according to weight / country of the customer. Shipping policy.


    We're a couple of friends, looking for hidden gems by finding the story behind items from the past.

    About Oblomov Art 
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